112 entries.
Here is our first order of the year! Please share a big thank you to Clothing Our Kids for all that they do for our students here at SDSA.
Have a great day!
I can't thank you guys enough. The kid was ecstatic when I told him this morning!! Have a great summer if I don't speak with you again. I'll see you in the Fall.
We truly appreciate what you guys do.
Looking forward to see all those happy faces when they receive their new clothing.
The student is in need of a pair of sneakers only. He has not been able to participate in gym class. Thank you very much!!!
Thank you!!! I don’t think the student would ever request it on her own. She came into school today and her cat had gone to the bathroom on her book-bag and shirt, so we replaced those items. I think she will definitely benefit from a COK donation. Thank you!!!!!
Thank you so much- as always- I don't know what we would do without you all!!
Child is living in hotel. Child had urinary accident a couple of weeks ago and dad requested soap and water to clean her up with due to none at home. Shoes have multiple holes and soles falling off. Child is also obese so difficult for mom and dad to buy clothes appropriate for school.
I wanted to let you know we received the donation for this young boy. He was SO excited to receive all the items. At first, he didn’t realize they were all for him. When I told them they were for him, he smiled ear to ear. He LOVED the shoes and couldn’t wait to put them on. The next day at school, he looked so nice. He told his teacher right away about his new clothes. Thank you once again for your amazing support.
Thank you! The Nike's are beaten down and smelly because he has worn them all year even though they are way too big. I thought he would get a pair for Christmas but that didn't work out and the kids are beginning to move away from him because odor is becoming strong so I will welcome anything!
Yesterday a child came in with holes in her shirt and was wearing two pair of pants because the outside pants had holes in them AND she had a hole in her socks. She was a mess. I did reach out to her guardian who said she would really appreciate the help. She is not a girly girl and I made note of that on her referral. The other referral is for a 3rd grader who needs a coat only. Please let me know if you have any questions.